What are some names or terms used to describe coffee lovers or enthusiasts?

What are some names or terms used to describe coffee lovers or enthusiasts?

As a coffee enthusiast myself, I know there's a whole world of jargon associated with our beloved brew. If you're a true coffee lover, you may find yourself wanting to know more about the terms used to describe people like us. So, let's dive right into the fascinating world of coffee terminology!

Coffee Aficionado

The term 'aficionado' originates from Spanish and it refers to someone who is very knowledgeable and enthusiastic about an activity, in this case, coffee. A coffee aficionado is someone who not only loves to drink coffee but also takes interest in the process of making it, its origin, and its flavor profiles. They might be brewing their own coffee at home or always hunting for the best coffee spots in town.

Coffee Connoisseur

A step above an aficionado is a coffee connoisseur. This term is used to describe someone who has a deep understanding of coffee and has developed a refined taste for it. They can distinguish between different types of coffee, appreciate the nuances in flavor, and might even be involved in coffee tasting or reviewing.


While a barista is technically a professional who prepares and serves coffee, many coffee lovers aspire to acquire the skills of a barista. A good barista not only knows how to make a great cup of coffee but also understands the science behind it. If you're interested in learning more about becoming a barista, you might want to check out our guide on different brewing methods.

Coffee Snob

The term 'coffee snob' is often used humorously to describe someone who only drinks high-quality, specialty coffee and tends to look down on common commercial coffee. They might refuse to drink coffee that’s not freshly ground or not brewed in a specific way. While it might seem a bit extreme, their love for coffee is undeniable!

Coffee Geek

A coffee geek is someone who loves coffee and is fascinated by the technical aspects of it. They might enjoy learning about different brewing methods, the chemistry of coffee, and the technology behind coffee machines. If that sounds like you, you might find our article on different coffee makers interesting!

Cafe Hopper

A cafe hopper is a coffee lover who enjoys visiting different cafes and trying out their coffee. They love the experience of discovering new places, tasting different coffees, and soaking in the café culture. If you're a café hopper, you might want to check out our guide on where to find the best coffee in the world.

Now that you're familiar with some of the terms used to describe coffee lovers, you might be wondering where you fit in. Are you a coffee aficionado, a connoisseur, or perhaps a coffee geek? Or maybe you're a unique blend of all!

What Type of Coffee Lover Are You?

Are you a coffee aficionado, a connoisseur, or perhaps a coffee geek? Or maybe you're a unique blend of all! Take our interactive quiz to find out.

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