🧊 The Chemex Iced Coffee Recipe

🧊 The Chemex Iced Coffee Recipe

The Chemex Iced Coffee

You will need:

  • coffee beans medium coarse grind40g of coffee beans, medium-coarse grind
  • filtered water350ml of filtered water, just off the boil
  • ice cubes350g of ice


  1. First, rinse your Chemex filter to remove any paper taste and heat up the glass. Then, add your medium-coarse grind coffee grounds to the filter.
  2. Next, place the ice in the bottom of the Chemex. This will cool the coffee as it drips through, creating a refreshing iced coffee.
  3. Slowly pour the hot water over the grounds, ensuring all the coffee is saturated. This is called the 'bloom' and helps to extract all the flavors from the coffee.
  4. Allow the coffee to drip onto the ice. This should be a slow process, taking about 4 minutes for the water to fully filter through.
  5. Once all the water has filtered through, swirl the Chemex to melt any remaining ice and cool the coffee further. This also helps to mix the flavors.
  6. Finally, serve your refreshing Chemex iced coffee over more ice. Enjoy!


Remember to use fresh coffee beans for the best flavor. The grind size should be medium-coarse for the best extraction. Adjust the amount of ice and water to your taste.

Welcome to Real Coffee Club, your ultimate guide to the world of coffee. Today, we're excited to share with you a delicious recipe for the Chemex Iced Coffee. Get ready to indulge in a refreshing and aromatic coffee experience!

To make this delightful beverage, you will need a few simple ingredients. Start with 40g of coffee beans, medium-coarse grind. This ensures optimal extraction and a rich flavor profile. Next, prepare 350ml of filtered water, just off the boil. The quality of the water greatly affects the taste of your coffee, so make sure to use filtered water for the best results. Lastly, gather 350g of ice cubes to chill your coffee to perfection.

Let's dive into the instructions for making the Chemex Iced Coffee. Begin by rinsing your Chemex filter to remove any paper residue. Then, add your freshly ground coffee to the filter. The aroma of the coffee will start to fill the air, creating a sensory experience like no other.

Now, it's time to assemble your iced coffee masterpiece. Place the ice cubes at the bottom of your Chemex. This will help cool the coffee as it drips through the filter. Slowly pour the hot water over the coffee grounds, ensuring that every bit is saturated. The water will extract the flavors from the coffee, creating a smooth and balanced taste.

As the coffee drips onto the ice, watch as the flavors meld together to create a harmonious blend. Once all the water has filtered through, give the Chemex a gentle swirl to melt any remaining ice and cool the coffee further. The result is a refreshing and invigorating beverage that will awaken your senses.

Now, it's time to savor your creation. Serve the Chemex Iced Coffee over ice and enjoy the cool, crisp flavors dancing on your palate. The combination of the chilled coffee and the ice creates a delightful contrast that will keep you coming back for more.

Remember, using fresh coffee beans is essential for the best flavor experience. Opt for a medium-coarse grind to ensure optimal extraction. Feel free to adjust the amount of ice and water according to your personal taste preferences. Experiment and find the perfect balance that suits you.

At Real Coffee Club, we're passionate about exploring the rich and aromatic world of coffee. Join us on this journey as we uncover the secrets behind pour over coffee, Chemex brewing, coffee ratios, coffee makers, and so much more. Stay tuned for more exciting coffee adventures!

So, grab your Chemex and get ready to embark on a coffee journey like no other. Indulge in the refreshing and invigorating flavors of the Chemex Iced Coffee. Cheers to the perfect cup of iced coffee!

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